To dust off my writing mojo after taking time off to raise and homeschool my two boys, I rebooted my career with an unconventional choice—I started a humor blog called Tweenior Moments. This fun, creative project gave me the outlet I needed to redefine my midlife voice and get up to speed on things like WordPress, SEO, image sourcing, social media, and more. Plus, it was fun as hell! If you’re just looking for a laugh, keep reading. In fact, check out the funny spin I put on this product review for an organic mattress. But if you’re looking for a writer who can draw people in with humorous storytelling, check out how to work with me.
Articles: Consumer Publications
- ELife: 5 Mother’s Day Gifts Every Mom Wants
- Florida Family Living: 8 Reasons I’m Singing the Back-to-School Blues
- Sassy: I Came ThisClose to a Color Run
- New York Parenting (includes Bronx/Riverdale Family, Brooklyn Family; Manhattan Family, Queens Family): Kitchen Nightmare: How One Mom Survived Meal-Planning Mayhem—Barely
- Tallahassee Woman: It’s Not Easy Being Green
- Baton Rouge Parents: The ADD of Motherhood
- Boom: Playing the Dating Game—Friends Version; How to Survive 25 (or More) Years of Marriage; Why Being 50 Rocks;14 Ideas for the Ultimate Midlife Wardrobe; Do I Look Fat in This Fitbit?; Lord Help Me I’m on Twitter
- Georgia Family:A Parent’s Back-to-School Blues
- Space City Publishing(includes Space City Parent, Katy Parent, Ft. Bend Parent): Have We Outgrown Our Christmas Tradition?
- Valley Living: GSI: Grime Scene Investigation
Blogs & Digital Content
In addition to reading some of the most popular posts from my Tweenior Moments humor blog, you can check out other blogs, websites, and digital publications where I’ve been published:
- Circle Around: Dear Career-Gap Me, Am I Still Relevant?
- Scary Mommy: Playing the Dating Game-Friends Version, We’ll Never Buy Another Memory Foam Mattress; 6 Things Teens Learned Growing Up in the ’70s and ’80s; Why Can’t I Survive a Week of Meal Planning?
- Next Avenue: Why Do I Need Reading Glasses for the Menu?
- Submittable: 11 Soul-Sucking Truths of Rebooting a Midlife Writing Career
- Brain, Child: 5 Apps That Would Make Parenting Kids Easier
- No One Told Me That Parenting Required Such Thick Skin
- YourTango: I Attribute the Success of My 28-Year Marriage to THESE 7 Things
- Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop: The Harry Potter-like Power of Parents; BOOM. I’ve Got a Full-Blown Case of Middle Age
- Better After 50: A Surprise in the Waiting Room: Hey, Mister, Everyone Here Thinks You’re A…; A Midlife Pop Quiz You’re Guaranteed to Pass
- Beyond Your Blog: A Writer (over) Analyzes The Rejection Email
- BonBon Break: 21 Day Weight Loss Plan: Parent Edition
- Western New York Family: 5 Mother’s Day Gifts Every Mom Wants
- Growing Bolder: BOOM! I’ve Got a Full-Blown Case of Middle Age
- HumorOutcasts: Why Can’t I Read the Darn Menu?;I Came ThisClose to Doing a Color Run; The 21-Day Parenting Weight Loss Plan
- In the Powder Room: What If Parents Bickered the Way Kids Do?
- Mamapedia: 15 Minutes Inside the ADD of Motherhood, GSI: Grime Scene Investigation; 5 Apps That Would Make Parenting Teens Easer
- Midlife Boulevard:Wine, Windex, and Window Treatments–Thank You, Target!; 5 Things I Don’t Miss About Corporate Life; Chasing Sleep
- New York Parenting (includes Bronx/Riverdale Family, Brooklyn Family; Manhattan Family, Queens Family):Surviving Meal-Planning Mayhem
- Oregon Family: Why Can’t I Read the Darn Menu?
- Sammiches & Psych Meds: How to Tell You’re Rolling Into Family Dinner on the Crazy Train; 6 Memory Problems That Indicate That You’ve Entered Middle Age;How Parenting Boosts Your Self Esteem (and other parenting lies)
- Sassy: 5 Things I Don’t Miss About Corporate Life; I Came This Close To A Color Run; Ferris Buellers Day Off Turns 30!; Pretty in Pink Turns 30!
- Ten To Twenty Parenting:Top 6 Memory Problems Plaguing Middle-Aged Me;Family Traditions: We’ll Take the High Road and the Low Road
- Treasure Coast Parenting: Playing the Dating Game–Friends Version
- Valley Living: GSI: Grime Scene Investigation; Surviving 7-Day Mania of Meal Planning